Ege Durmaz

Junior Frontend Developer


I'm Ege Durmaz


In life, what I believe is you have to take every opportunity to add something to yourself.

Since university I started to have a keen interest on pushing myself to the next level, forcing my foot on the next step of the ladder.




Jun. 2022 - Aug. 2022

Associate Frontend Developer


Developed a project from scratch to preprod with 5 other interns in the first month. Taken part in the company’s web team meanwhile developing the intern project in the second month.


Jul. 2021 - Aug. 2021

Frontend Developer Intern


Highly competitive internship placement where I was able to implement practices I learnt during my studies. Allowed me to gain real industry experience and put my skills to work on live projects.

Mar. 2022 - Apr. 2022

Bootcamp Attendee


After a competitive selection I was able to participate in the bootcamp. With this bootcamp I improved myself upon Back-End side of developement.


Yildiz Technical University

Sep. 2018 - Aug. 2022

Bachelor Degree in Mathematical Engineering


Although we study mainly mathematics, we also study Software Development, Finance and Statistics. This is where I got into software development more and more.

Brno University of Technology

Sep. 2019 - Feb. 2020

Bachelor Degree in Information Technology

Brno-Czech Republic

VUT/BUT was the university I was studying in during my Erasmus. They introduced me to Java, Algorithms and HTML/CSS. We were a team of 4 on a website project for 6 months


Trendyol Form

Google Form like project that takes dynamic input and validations with over 10 different components developed.

React • TypeScript • SCSS

Portfolio (With React)

My own portfolio page. Practiced on Firebase

React • JavaScript • CSS


Thesis project #2. Tic‑Tac‑Toe web‑page made with Angular in order to experience different frameworks. Experienced TypeScript language.

Angular • TypeScript • SCSS

Old Portfolio

Current portfolio website made with traditional html/css ways.Took reference from a random web page layout found on to challenge HTML/CSS skills.

Html • Javascript • CSS • Bootstrap


An imaginary restaurant web page that me and 3 other students from different nations made in Erasmus. Which I lead the project.

Html • Javascript • CSS • Bootstrap

Music Genre Classification

Thesis project #1. Classifiying music genres using Deep Learning algorithms, Feature Engineering methods and comparing performances of algorithms.

Python • Deep/Machine Learning